Triggers - What makes you smoke?

Anything can remind you of smoking, so be on guard!

We pair smoking with the things that we do. We get used to lighting up while driving or after meals. It's time to keep track of your triggers so you can be ready for them when you quit.

Common triggers that you may face:

  1. Being around other smokers
  2. Drinking coffee
  3. Driving
  4. Smelling or seeing someone smoke
  5. Getting up in the morning
  6. Going on break
  7. Taking a trip
  8. Relaxing
  9. Finishing a meal
  10. Using the phone
  11. Drinking alcohol

Identify your triggers and get a plan in place for how you will deal with them.

Recipe for Willpower

Willpower = One Part Thought and One Part Action  

Plan for triggers and ways to deal with them before you quit so you will be ready when you quit for good!


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