The 5As - Advise
Advise - all smokers to quit smoking, using a clear, strong, personalized message.
Observational studies show that advice as brief as 3 minutes can be effective.
Advice should be CLEAR.
"It is important for you to quit smoking now and I will help you."
Advice should be STRONG.
"As your doctor, I must tell you that quitting smoking is the single most important thing you can do to protect your health."
Advice should be PERSONALIZED.
While most smokers are aware of the dangers of smoking in general, their perception of personal risk is often hazy. Smokers will be more motivated to quit if they have specific information about the effects of smoking on their lifestyle and how these might improve if they stopped. Tie smoking to current health/illness, social and economic costs of tobacco, plus impact on family members.
"The frequency of your granddaughter's asthma attacks is certainly related to your smoking around her."